The Thursday coffee mornings (10am -11.30am) are the highlight of the week for  many, whether they are part of those who come in to do art & craft or just sit and have a chat and a laugh


Speakers have included workers from the Blue Badge Dept, Age Concern,  a financial advisor and a talk on deaf awareness. There also regular visits from the community police support officers and various health and social care professionals who come to find out ‘what we do’ and chat to our members. One of the successes of the morning has been the monthly ‘Hear to Help’ project where attendees can have their hearing  aids serviced , tubes replaced and get new batteries.

We also have a twice monthly Nurse Clinic where people can talk to a nurse without an appointment about any health issue or need advice

The coffee mornings would not work without the large team of volunteers drivers who make the morning feasible by providing lifts to many older people who would otherwise not be able to make it.

Also important are the volunteers who help out in the hall, laying out the hall with tables and chairs, serving  tea, coffee and biscuits and clearing the hall afterwards. We welcome visitors to the coffee mornings where they cannot fail to feel the warmth and friendliness of everyone there, and the buzz of conversation of such a large gathering.
