As with many activities and services for older people, men tend to be under represented at Chorlton Good Neighbours so we have aimed to develop services and activities specifically aimed at older men.  Phil Barrett is the older men’s  development worker. Phil visits older men in their own homes and is looking at new local activities and interests for them.He provides support for older men through visiting on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He also gives lifts and organises the Tuesday afternoon  social sessions at the SW Manchester Cricket Club where snooker, bowls, darts and dominoes are played as well as having a drink and a chat.

See a recent video of a snooker afternoon


An afternoon at the snooker club

Every Friday morning, regardless of the weather, the CGN gardening group meets. The group is co-ordinated by CGN worker, Geraldine Wall.  We have developed the outside area at the back of the CGN offices into a vegetable and flower garden. We have had a patio area laid (courtesy of Bramhall Construction Ltd)  and three raised beds have already been productive. Over the hard winter of 2013 we erected a greenhouse which was very productive in its first year of use. Early each year we are busy germinating seeds such as sungold and  tomatoes and when the weather gets warmer we put the seedlings in the greenhouse

In 2107 we erected a shelter under which we can get out of the rain – on the rare occasions it rains!

shelter day Sunday (3)

Autumn Leaves and Archeological Digs

dec garden 05Our Gardening Sessions are held 10am-12.30pm every Friday. If you would like to find out more contact us on 0161-881-2925 or come along to the plot at the back of Wilbraham St Ninian’s Church, Egerton Road South and have a look for yourself.