Drama member Julie
writes: The drama workshops are so important as they bring people together. It shows having a disability does not hinder your chances of being part of the acting group. Some participants are hard of hearing, others use a wheeler, or a wheelchair. We are all part of the Chorlton Good Neighbours family.

Nakib Narat

The workshop facilitator Nakib brings a unique style and experience of the theatre. Role-playing, breathing correctly, in Nakib words “Speaking from the belly”. He also invites different facilitators to run sessions, so we are learning different skills and techniques all the time. Yes, some of it is fun and we laugh many times but it’s also making friendships and building confidence in those who don’t have it.

Our November/December production called “Snowed In” was about a person who kidnapped cats in the middle of winter. It takes place in a pub. This was unusual…however that’s show business. It had suspense, singing and dancing. We also performed it at HOME in the city centre to a packed audience with great reviews. Although we were nervous our support for each other helped us do the best we could. See small video at https://vimeo.com/321761931/06b3203d09

The Lady Mayor of Manchester also came to see our performance at one of the Thursday coffee mornings and some members were interviewed by That’s Manchester TV.

The Spring show “Death at the Seaside” took us back to our school days and was about developing our skills of improvisation. Nakib took the ideas from the group members and incorporated them into the story. He is not afraid to listen and direct the play to benefit everyone.

The turnout for the workshops has been excellent. Some people who had come in the beginning have since stopped as other commitments like doctors’ appointments, family obligations and illness have taken priority. New people are coming along though, including members of the Royal Exchange Elders Drama group so we continue to learn together. There is a buzz around Chorlton, the theatre group is alive and kicking, new members are joining, and the community spirit continues so why not come and join us?