CGN History talk 14th May: the Holy Name & St Augustine’s

Tuesday 14th May at 1.30pm   all welcome

Bernard Leach  :  History of the Holy Name & St Augustine Churches 

This follows on from the talk on Irish Manchester that I gave over a year ago.  The two Roman Catholic churches are close to each other on Oxford Road, Manchester and are important both to the Irish community and Catholic history more generally in Manchester. I will also look at how the Jesuits have played an important role in establishing  the Holy Name church and their contribution to catholic education inManchester, including my old school, St Bedes

The Holy Name Church, Oxford RoadRereodos screen behind the Altar at St Augustine’s Church

Tuesday 11th June
Linda Mehroo : Islamic traditions

Tuesday 9th July
Janet Woolf : History of Germans in Manchester   

Tuesday  13th August
Bernard Leach: the history of corporal punishment 

Tuesday 10th Sept
Andrew Simpson: Names and people behind Chorlton’s blue plaques 

Tuesday 8th Oct
Erin Beeston: Cotton objects in Manchester Museum and quilts in Bolton