50 years ago when Chorlton Good Neighbours was established, we provided a service to isolated older people, in the form of visiting and providing practical support one to one. We have now become a service that also offers a range of  other services and activities for older people. For volunteers this means that there are a range of opportunities for learning, gaining new skills, and new interests.

  • For volunteers of ‘working age‘ volunteering can be an opportunity to add valuable skills, both for your own satisfaction and your CV. The communication skills and varieties of experience gained from Chorlton Good Neighbours are invaluable and useful in any workplace or future career
  • For older volunteers, and specifically those recently retired, we provide opportunities for you to make use of your skills and share your valuable experience. It is also a great way of getting to meet new people and make new friends

For many activities both users and volunteers come together as members to share their learning, which can be a very rewarding experience.

cgn3 72 andy Hill   Gilly, an advanced case practitioner, and Arthur a volunteer outside the weekly nurse clinic that takes place alternate Thursdays at the coffee mornings

For more information on Volunteering visit our Volunteers Page

Positive Living Groups:  We have run a series of monthly Positive Living Group sessions from October 2012. These are for both volunteers and older members, with an emphasis on small goal setting and getting out of our comfort zones. These Groups will fit in very well with ‘the five ways to wellbeing’ which is a widely used approach to improving  Mental Well-being in the community

CGN 2012 Annual Report 11

Speakers:  Coffee mornings and specific volunteers training sessions provide many opportunities for people to expand their knowledge, gain helpful insights and create an atmosphere of supportive learning.

Volunteer Courses: these courses have been run by Good Neighbours in the past and are likely to be held in the future, though some are dependent on securing  funding:

  • Induction training – learning the guideline and boundaries of volunteering for CGN.
  • Sessions on building healthier relationships
  • How to communicate better with those hard of hearing.
  • First Aid training with St Johns Ambulance.
  • Advice from a physiotherapist from the MRI Falls team giving information about the safest ways to transfer people in and out of cars, wheelchairs, and on and off chairs.
  • At coffee mornings those present can learn from various health professionals – gaining tips on improving memory, strategies for dealing with reduced hearing,  mental health worries or other local colleagues for example – crime prevention tips, how to keep your home warm, fire safety and learning about plans to redevelop Chorlton precinct.
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