Chorlton Good Neighbours is a charity and therefore to continue our work in the community we rely on the generosity of our supporters. If you wish to donate to us,  you can make a donation by clicking on the button above.
Or, by writing a cheque, making a bank transfer payment; leaving a gift in your will; filling in a Charities Aid form; doing a sponsored challenge or race; leaving a legacy; making a small regular donation of £3 -£5 a month means we can plan ahead

age-friendly-2volunteers on the door at a coffee morning

Other ways you can help Chorlton Good Neighbours:
– donating good quality raffle prizes – that can be used at fund raising events or on Thursday coffee mornings.
Your time! Please see our volunteers page.
– We need people with skills such as entertainers, photographers, fitness trainers, musicians, cooks, artists and gardeners

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helping to build a greenhouse in the Good Neighbours Garden